
  • On April 4th, 1967, a year to the day before he was assassinated, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech against the Vietnam War. He made explicit the connection between the bombing of decolonial movements abroad and systemic racism here. He said that a country that “spend[s] more money on military defense than on programs…

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  • Thank you to our comrades at SUNY Albany Young DSA for putting together the following resources. As fascist activity heightens in our communities, keeping eyes on ICE and pigs and effectively communicating specific information is essential to carrying out our protection tactics as well as outplaying their harmful ones. Prevention is key, protection is essential,…

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  • On behalf of the Capital District Democratic Socialists of America, we are happy to finally see the release of the Attorney General’s investigation into the violations of the civil rights of Black Lives Matter activists and protestors by the Saratoga Springs Police Department and Saratoga Springs city officials. After almost 3 years of waiting for…

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  • To Saratoga Springs Public Safety Commissioner, Jim Montagnino: You must resign. On February 7th, during the public comment period of a Saratoga Springs City Council meeting, you were challenged by Chandler Hickenbottom, a Saratoga BLM leader and longtime member of our community. Chandler challenged your failure to hold a public forum on police abuse and…

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  • Capital District DSA Testimony on Funding for a Statewide Right to Counsel (A1493/S2721) Capital District DSA  is a proud member of the movement for Statewide Right to Counsel. As an organization pf 292 members committed to finding democratic and socialist ways to transform society and improve quality of life by creating equality and fair distribution…

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  • We call on popular organizations and institutions which stand for justice and peace to join our call to ban tear gas and kinetic weaponry. A society where the people who hold the guns are unchallenged is a police state, not a democracy.

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  • The Capital District Democratic Socialists of America firmly stands against the deplorable actions that have taken place in the Saratoga Lakeview Mobile Home Park at the hands of the owner, Michael Giovanone. We are committed to empowering the residents and assuring that they can live comfortably in their homes, without the threats and intimidation tactics…

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  • We oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine and stand in solidarity with the victims of this war. In our sorrow, anger, and disgust at this war we demand that the war stops, the criminals responsible be held to account and that our fellow workers in Russia and Ukraine get their lives back.

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  • Capital District DSA rejects the notion that any threat to the lives and health of our students, staff and faculty represents an “acceptable level of risk.” In the absence of any universally mandated, implemented and federal and state funded safety program, the overwhelming additional costs and administrative burdens placed on individual schools and districts stands…

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